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Black History Month, embrace the progress

What is Black History Month? It is the annual commemoration of the contributions of African Americans and recognition of their significant role in the development of world history. Each country celebrates it by recovering part of its own history to better understand its present and future. Are you ready to get to know Black History Month? Show more

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Black History Month designs to remember the history of the African diaspora


Black History Month symbols for living this observance to the fullest

Black History Month Color Palette

  • HEX rgb(242, 46, 62)
  • RGB rgb(242, 46, 62)
  • CMYK rgb(242, 46, 62)
  • HSL rgb(242, 46, 62)
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Imperial Red as the blood that unite it

Imperial Red represents the blood that unites all African ancestry, and that was shed for the liberation of Black people, which is why we use it during Black History Month. Imperial Red represents the damage suffered by the African Diaspora from colonialism to the abolition of slavery. This color is also part of the Pan African flag. In color psychology, Imperial red represents strong emotions, passion, love or sacrifice. It can also mean blood, which is the connotation given to it in the Pan African flag. It is a very striking color and will be the first color your eyes will notice when you come across any design, so be careful. You can combine Imperial Red with other colors such as Cyan Process or Medium Spring Green.

  • HEX rgb(2, 115, 83)
  • RGB rgb(2, 115, 83)
  • CMYK rgb(2, 115, 83)
  • HSL rgb(2, 115, 83)
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Bottle Green from the motherland

Bottle Green is like the fertile lands of Africa. The green color represents forests, grass, mother nature. It is part of the Pan-African flag and is meant to exemplify African nature and its natural resources. Bottle Green is a striking color, which is perfect to highlight every design that is created. If we talk about the psychology of color, green is identified with the balance of emotions and support, with hope, with calm. For this reason, if we use green we will transmit serenity to our audience, although it may also depend on the shade of green, the more acid colors do not have the same effects on us as other softer or duller greens, but as you know, we use bottle green during Black History Month which represents serenity and darkness in nature.

  • HEX rgb(242, 159, 5)
  • RGB rgb(242, 159, 5)
  • CMYK rgb(242, 159, 5)
  • HSL rgb(242, 159, 5)
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Marigold that shines brighter than gold itself

It is very common to use Marigold in graphic resources, as it is one of the most important Black History Month colors. On many occasions, we can see it accompanied by Imperial Red, Bottle Green and Black, forming between the four the Pan-African flag with a raised fist in the center. Marigold is a dominant color. It is the color of the gold, so it is associated with the wealth that was taken away from the African people. In color psychology, yellow and its shades represent optimism, although it can be a bit aggressive in creativity if not used intelligently. On the other hand, we think that Marigold represents calm, quiet happiness. When you want to use Marigold in your designs, you must keep in mind that it is an important color, and that its intensity will depend a lot on the colors that accompany it.

  • HEX rgb(242, 216, 167)
  • RGB rgb(242, 216, 167)
  • CMYK rgb(242, 216, 167)
  • HSL rgb(242, 216, 167)
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Wheat as the immense fields of cereals

Wheat represents food, the abundance of the African people before they became slaves and the richness of the fields and lands of Africa. We may confuse the color Wheat with Cream or Beige, but as you can see it has components derived from red and yellow, if we get analytical. The Wheat color complements very well with the palette that represents the Black History Month and closes the chromatic variety with a color a little softer than its design partners. If you want a winning combination with the color Wheat, you should use Magic Mint or Mauve. If you choose one of them, it will never go wrong.

  • HEX rgb(146, 54, 51)
  • RGB rgb(146, 54, 51)
  • CMYK rgb(146, 54, 51)
  • HSL rgb(146, 54, 51)
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Brandy, instead of drinking it, let’s use it in design

Brandy represents the skin of all peoples of the African diaspora, because of brown shade. When we see this color on Black History Month posters and creatives, we usually see it on raised fists, hands or areas that represent people’s skin. In color psychology, brandy represents reliability, strength and nature. When we use it in design, we give it a sense of warmth and harmony, although it can also convey feelings such as loneliness or sadness. Brandy is inspired by nature, it represents a sense of wholeness and order. Brandy will make your design look more balanced. We can combine brown with other colors such as Illuminating Emerald.

Black History Month Fonts


Why do we celebrate Black History Month?

Black History Month begins to commemorate all the effort and work of the African Diaspora for the development of freedoms for the African American community. The Black History Month wants to lift up those feats that do not appear in the pages of history books and highlight how an entire community has suffered and fought against slavery to become a free people. Why is Black History Month in February? How did it begin? There are many questions we ask ourselves about this month and we need to know more about it, are you ready to solve it? Take a look at the most representative facts of this special month.


NAACP Foundation

How started this movement?

The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) was founded on February 12, 1909 by a broad interracial group of people who wanted to fight for the civil rights of African Americans. They named themselves The Call. This association arose thanks to 32 African-Americans who joined together to face the challenges to which this minority was being subjected in the United States due to the existing segregation. They held the first conference of the Niagara Movement, which gave birth to the National Negro Committee, which drafted the charter to demand the rights of black people.


Black History Week Established

When was the first evidence of BHM?

The first Black History Week was established the second week of February because it coincided with the birthday of Abraham Lincoln (12th February) and Fredirick Douglass (14th February). It was carried out by the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), founded by the historian Carter G. Wooddon and the minister Jesse E. Moorland From the beginning, the key was placed on encouraging the teaching of the history of Black Americans in the nation’s public schools. This initiative achieved the participation of the states of North Carolina, Delaware, and West Virginia, Baltimore, New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C.


The Month First Observed

The first BHM changed our mindset

African American educators and students at Kent State University proposed the Black History Month in February 1969. The first Black History Month took place a year later in this university, from January 2 to February 28, 1970. Two months, really. Six years later, in 1976, the president Gerald Ford officially recognized Black History Month. Within the black community, this event was received with great enthusiasm and all the schools in the country began to celebrate it as well, which led to the creation of clubs to talk about Black History and very involved teachers.


BHM gets into the hands of the Presidency

Black History Month is now an official event

Since Gerald Ford’s 1976 recognition of Black History Month, February has been the month dedicated to telling the story of the black community and how their contributions have changed the world. Black History Month was born out of the need for the entire educational community to know part of their own history as a nation, and for young people to be very aware of all the figures who fought for the liberation of Black people, for the elimination of slavery, segregation between Blacks and whites, for their rights to be recognized and for everyone to have equal freedoms.


What countries celebrate Black History Month?

Many countries celebrate Black History Month around the world, but with differences among them. Each country commemorates its Black History Month as it likes best, and even in different months. In the UK it is celebrated in October, and in America it is celebrated in February, as we told you before.

United States

In U.S. schools, students and teachers research together the most representative figures of Black History. Each school works in its own way on Black History Month, but always showing students all the contributions and the struggle for civil rights of America’s greatest figures. They sometimes give great speeches about historical characters, read among all “The Green Book of the Negro Motorist” or “To Kill a Mockingbird”, those that represent the segregation and discrimination suffered by Black people. During a month, in American schools, children learn about their history, about civil rights, and why black educators and students needed to show to the world the trajectory of a community as large as the African American people.


Canada recognized Black History Month in December, 1995, when MP Jean Augustine tabled a motion in the House of Commons in Ottawa. Augustine was the first black woman elected to the Canadian Parliament. Since then, Canadians have been commemorating this event in schools, libraries in each district, community centers, etc. Canada celebrates Black History Month in February too, and they hold many events across the country. Concerts and activities for children and parents. Throughout the month of February, the streets of the neighborhoods are filled with the history of Canada, also telling the story of the African Canadians who contributed to the country’s progress. Thanks to this initiative, more and more Canadians are learning about their origins.

United Kingdom

UK celebrates its Black History Month in a different way In the UK, Black History Month is different from the US. It was first celebrated in October 1987 to coincide with three major events representing black British history, hence it is celebrated every year in October and not in February as in North America. Initially, the UK focused on black history in the United States, but over time paid greater attention to its own black history and its key figures in the United Kingdom. Characters such as Walter Tull, first black officer to lead white male troops in the British Navy or Olive Morris, social activist star in the activities of Black History Month in museums, schools, residences, etc. All of them deal with the past of the colonies, migration and music. It’s all about learning about history while having a good time with your community.


As in the United Kingdom, Black History Month is also celebrated in Ireland during the month of October. In 2014, Ireland became the fourth country in the world to have a Black History Month, but the whole initiative began in Cork in 2010, when Nigerian-born Zephrynus Okechi Ikeh developed the first Black History Month pilot project with the talk “Africa Empowerment– Working Towards African Unity”. The work of social reformer Fredirick Douglass and emancipation from the slave trade was the focus of the BHM lectures. The work of social reformer Fredirick Douglass and the emancipation of the slave trade was the focus of the BHM conferences. It was in 2014 that it was cemented as a nationwide event, and has since commemorated the work, culture and heritage of the African Diaspora.


Black History Month has roots in Germany too. The celebration began in 1990, and it’s started by members in the Black German organization, ISD or the Initiative of Black Germans (Initiative Schwarze Deutsche). But Germany does not celebrate BHM in October, like the United Kingdom and Ireland, otherwise in February, following the customs of the United States and Canada. In 2001, Germany stopped celebrating Black History Month, but in 2009, the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy and the German Federal Agency for Civic Education organized one in Berlin. Ten years later, since 2011, the Black History Month has taken place at the Werkstatt der Kulturen (Workshop of Cultures), which bids for diverse multicultural programming and activities, and every year they return to commemorate the history of the Black people.


In Brazil there doesn’t exist a whole month to celebrate Black History Month, but you can celebrate the Black Awareness Day on November 20th. Since 1960, Brazilians have been commemorating Black Consciousness Day, which at the beginning was celebrated on May 13th, the day slavery was abolished in Brazil, but years later it was moved to the current date due to Zumbi’s death, one of the pioneers of the resistance to slavery. Brazil organizes educational and fun events involving mainly children of African descent. With this day, Brazilians remember the plantation slaves who defended themselves with strength and rebellion against abuses. With the Black Consciousness Day, Brazil wanted to remember the fight against racism and inequalities.