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Juneteenth, a day for freedom

Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day, Emancipation Day, or Black Independence Day, is a powerful reminder of strength, resilience, and perseverance in the face of adversity. This important event transformed African American communities nationwide, creating thriving, empowered individuals who refused to be held back by the past. Juneteenth is a day... Show more

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Enjoy Juneteenth with these beautiful assets


Discovering the power of these four Juneteenth symbols

Juneteenth Color Palette

  • HEX rgb(255, 52, 53)
  • RGB rgb(255, 52, 53)
  • CMYK rgb(255, 52, 53)
  • HSL rgb(255, 52, 53)
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Vermilion: celebrating Juneteenth with a blaze of red

Juneteenth is an important holiday in the US commemorating African American emancipation from slavery. It’s fitting then that the color most associated with this special day is Vermilion, a vivid red hue that reflects the spirit of freedom and joy. Vermilion is a truly remarkable color, with a deep and captivating hue that has been admired throughout history. This vibrant red can be found in many traditional art forms from India, ranging from wall frescoes to fabric prints. It was even used by the Ancient Egyptians for decorating tombs and burial sites. It’s no surprise that vermilion has become so closely associated with Juneteenth—this powerful color symbolizes the strength and courage of African Americans who fought for freedom. As people gather on June 19th to celebrate this day, they are reminded of the importance of freedom and equality through a brilliant blaze of Vermilion.

  • HEX rgb(30, 61, 118)
  • RGB rgb(30, 61, 118)
  • CMYK rgb(30, 61, 118)
  • HSL rgb(30, 61, 118)
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Shine bright like a Yale blue: the perfect hue for Juneteenth

Juneteenth marks an inspiring day in history, when the news of freedom for enslaved African Americans spread across the country. And what better way to celebrate this important day than with one of its most iconic colors — Yale blue? Representing both freedom and progress, Yale blue is a color that has come to embody the spirit of Juneteenth. Yale Blue is not just any ordinary hue — it’s a rich, vibrant shade of navy blue with hints of purple and lavender. It’s also one of the oldest institutional colors in the United States, having been chosen as the official color of Yale University in 1894. It’s a color that combines both strength and elegance, making it the perfect choice to celebrate this day.

  • HEX rgb(0, 161, 45)
  • RGB rgb(0, 161, 45)
  • CMYK rgb(0, 161, 45)
  • HSL rgb(0, 161, 45)
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A glorious hue for Juneteenth: pigment green

Whether it’s in art or fashion, this celebratory shade, pigment green, is a beautiful reminder of the courageous fight for freedom. It is not only symbolic of the emancipation of enslaved African-Americans during Juneteenth, but it also represents hope and optimism in the ongoing pursuit of justice and equality. Pigment Green is an invigorating hue that brings to mind the lushness of nature. Whether it’s found in the neon-lit leaves of a city park, the rolling meadows of a countryside, or the vibrant foliage of a rainforest, this color can be seen throughout the natural world. It evokes feelings of energy, growth, renewal, and courage.

  • HEX rgb(255, 178, 0)
  • RGB rgb(255, 178, 0)
  • CMYK rgb(255, 178, 0)
  • HSL rgb(255, 178, 0)
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Selective yellow, the color of progress and strength

Selective yellow is a powerful color that perfectly encapsulates the spirit of Juneteenth. It is a vibrant hue symbolizing hope and joy, yet also carries undertones of strength and resilience in its golden glow. The versatile yellow is an ideal shade to represent the progress that has been made in the journey towards equality and justice for all people. Using selective yellow in your Juneteenth designs is a strong reminder of how far we have come and an affirmation of our commitment to keep moving forward. It is a color of freedom and possibility, one that encourages us to stand up for what’s right and embrace our shared humanity.

  • HEX rgb(189, 73, 48)
  • RGB rgb(189, 73, 48)
  • CMYK rgb(189, 73, 48)
  • HSL rgb(189, 73, 48)
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Jasperizing Juneteenth: celebrating freedom with a rainbow of colors

One way to recognize this special holiday is to use the color jasper— a dark pastel red — to add vibrancy to the celebration. Jasper is a blend of the past and the present, representing both the power of Juneteenth’s history and its potential for future progress. In some cultures, jasper has even been used to represent freedom from oppression. Jasper is a deep and captivating hue that captures the attention of onlookers with its unique blend of red, brown, and orange. Its royal vibrancy conveys a sense of strength and power, while its soft warmth symbolizes comfort and rejuvenation. Its name comes from the Old French term jaspre, “spotted or speckled stone,” and when used in art it often evokes a feeling of energy and excitement.


A day to celebrate freedom: a brief history of Juneteenth

Juneteenth is a day that has come to represent freedom and hope for many African Americans. But did you know that it’s more than just a national holiday? It’s actually a celebration with deep historical roots. Here, we take a look back at the origins of Juneteenth and how it has become a symbol of freedom, progress, and hope for African Americans. The celebration, now known as Juneteenth, officially began in 1865 when Major General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, to inform the enslaved people that slavery had been abolished and they were free. Since then, Juneteenth has grown to become a national holiday celebrated in the United States. People commemorate the holiday by having parades, barbecues, and other festivities.

January 1st, 1863

The Emancipation Proclamation

A monumental step towards freedom

It’s hard to imagine a world without freedom and equality, particularly in the United States of America. But, before President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1st, 1863, during the Civil War, slavery was still an accepted practice. Lincoln issued a declaration to free all enslaved people living in states currently engaged in rebellion against the United States. The Proclamation declared that “all persons held as slaves” within certain states and parts of states were then “henceforth shall be free.” This was truly a huge step forward for the cause of human liberty.

June 19th, 1865

General Order No. 3

Celebrating freedom in Texas

June 19th, known as Juneteenth, is a day etched into United States history, remembered for its significance in granting freedom to African Americans. On June 19th, 1865, Union General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, and issued General Order No. 3, which declared that all enslaved people in the state of Texas were free. This announcement came two and a half years after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1st, 1863. General Order No. 3 contained a powerful message that brought joy and hope to the hearts of those who had been fighting for freedom for themselves and their loved ones. The order proclaimed not only freedom but also that formerly enslaved people would now have the right to own property and work for wages. The name Juneteenth is derived from the combination of June and Nineteenth, representing the day that news finally spread throughout the South that slavery had been abolished two years before.

Late 1800s – early 1900s

Juneteenth: freedom in America

A joyous commemoration of emancipation

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, Juneteenth celebrations began to be held across Texas and in other states around the country. These celebratory events served both as a reminder of the long-fought struggle for freedom and an opportunity to celebrate African-American culture and history. Throughout the decades, Juneteenth has evolved as a source of pride for many African Americans in the United States. Celebrations typically feature food, music, speeches, parades, and other forms of entertainment that honor the legacy of emancipation. Juneteenth is now observed in all the states, as well as in the District of Columbia and some parts of Canada. The core principles of Juneteenth have mainly remained the same over the years: to recognize and celebrate the end of slavery in America.

June 17th, 2021

Juneteenth National Independence Day Act

A new era of recognition

June 17, 2021, was a very influential day in American history, as President Joe Biden signed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act into law. This marks the first time that the United States officially recognizes June 19th as a federal holiday, making this a cause for celebration. Joe Biden’s support for this act was an important part of making it a reality. During his presidential campaign in 2020, he pledged to make Juneteenth a federal holiday. As President, he acted on that promise swiftly by signing the bill into law with a poignant speech at the White House. In his speech, he noted that this holiday marks the long-overdue recognition of the contributions and sacrifices of Black Americans. He emphasized that this is just the beginning of the country’s efforts to address the systemic racism that still persists today.


Crossing the border: observing Juneteenth around the world

Juneteenth is a day of celebration that commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. While it originated in America, it has since spread to many countries around the world where people have adopted their own unique ways of celebrating this special day. From Canada to Trinidad and Tobago, let’s take a look at how different nations mark Juneteenth with joy and optimism.

Canada and Juneteenth: a shared history of slavery

In recent years, Juneteenth has been gaining recognition in Canada. From Vancouver to Montreal and Toronto, celebrations are taking place to commemorate this important day while honoring the contributions of black Canadians. Activities such as educational events, discussion panels, parades, and concerts have been organized to further the dialogue around racial justice and progress. Juneteenth serves as a reminder that although there is still work to be done before true equality is achieved, history has shown us that we can make tremendous strides when we come together for a common cause. In celebrating Juneteenth, Canadians can reflect on their shared history—both good and bad—and strive towards a brighter future.

Celebrating Juneteenth with pride: how Americans mark the occasion

Juneteenth marks the day that African Americans in the United States were informed of their emancipation from slavery, and it is observed every year on June 19th. To commemorate this important day, Americans around the country come together to celebrate with parades, festivals, music, cultural events, and dance performances, among other activities. Communities also organize events centered around education, where people can learn more about African American history and cultural heritage. Moreover, President Joe Biden declared Juneteenth a public holiday so that everyone has the chance to take part in the festivities. With each passing year, Juneteenth becomes an increasingly important reminder of this nation’s past and a celebration of freedom for all Americans.

Black History Month Association and Juneteenth in France

In France, Juneteenth is becoming increasingly recognized and celebrated as people are gaining a greater understanding of its significance. The Black History Month Association has been at the forefront of spreading awareness around this important date, organizing events throughout 2020 to recognize its meaning and discuss topics such as racial justice and equality. Furthermore, they held a virtual roundtable where experts discussed black culture, giving listeners an even better insight into why it is so important to commemorate this holiday. With more people joining in on these conversations, Juneteenth’s recognition will only continue to grow both in France and around the world. This holiday marks an important step towards acknowledging and celebrating the unique contributions of Black individuals and their culture everywhere.

Juneteenth in the United Kingdom

In the UK, Juneteenth celebrations are relatively new but gaining momentum. Instead of the traditional barbecues and concerts seen in the US, Juneteenth is celebrated here with a variety of events. From educational lectures to cultural cookouts, there are plenty of opportunities to learn about African American history and celebrate it with others. At these events, there’s often a focus on political activism, with people coming together to discuss strategies for making sure everyone has an equal voice in society. With each year, the celebrations get bigger and more meaningful. It’s a great way to come together, recognize the importance of African American history, and look forward to a brighter future for all. So, if you’re in the UK, don’t miss out on the chance to join in on the Juneteenth celebrations.

Celebrating Juneteenth in Caribbean countries: Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago

Juneteenth, a significant event in the history of racial justice and equality in the United States, is now gaining recognition and attention around the world. In Caribbean countries like Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago, efforts are being made to increase awareness about the holiday and its connection to the fight against racism. As a result, events such as music festivals, cultural exhibitions, and community gatherings are being organized to celebrate the contributions of Black people to Caribbean culture and society. These events also serve as a platform to continue the ongoing fight against discrimination and racism.