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Women’s Day, an occasion of female resilience and remembrance

When is International Women’s Day celebrated? Every March 8, millions of women gather and march around the world for their fundamental rights, so get your colors ready. But do you know the brief origins and the whole meaning of this important day? Here, you will find many interesting facts and information, plus some original graphic resources tha... Show more

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Women’s Day designs: A collection of visuals to join the movement


International Women’s Day symbols: Let’s learn more about them!

Women’s Day Color Palette

  • HEX rgb(51, 44, 130)
  • RGB rgb(51, 44, 130)
  • CMYK rgb(51, 44, 130)
  • HSL rgb(51, 44, 130)
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To Cosmic Cobalt and beyond

There are several colors we use for our designs during Women’s Day, and one of them is Cosmic Cobalt, or #332C82, whatever you prefer to call it. Cosmic Cobalt has a blue base and has certain reminiscences of violet tones, so it may remind us of the colors that are always used in the media campaigns of this day. It is a color with a lot of strength and presence, so we must use it wisely and with caution, paying close attention to accompanying colors so as not to saturate a design. With Cosmic Cobalt, you will have to use other contrasting colors, such as carnation pink. Although they are not complementary colors, they work well together and are perfect for this special day.

  • HEX rgb(181, 175, 245)
  • RGB rgb(181, 175, 245)
  • CMYK rgb(181, 175, 245)
  • HSL rgb(181, 175, 245)
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With the strength of Maximum Blue Purple

Maximum Blue Purple is a color that belongs to the family of blue tones, and although at first we may think that it is a cold color because of its blue base, the use of magenta gives it greater intensity and more temperature. With this combination of blue and magenta, we obtain a very soft shade of purple, which contrasts with the strength we have found in Cosmic Cobalt. This color integrates very well with the rest of the palette, providing a balance in the chromatic range used, bridging the gap between the blues and the lighter pinks. Outside the palette of International Women’s Day colors, you have many possibilities for using Maximum Blue Purple, such as its analog Uranian Blue or its triad partner Granny Smith Apple.

  • HEX rgb(255, 149, 167)
  • RGB rgb(255, 149, 167)
  • CMYK rgb(255, 149, 167)
  • HSL rgb(255, 149, 167)
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With the power of Salmon Pink

Isn't Salmon Pink a lovely color? It belongs to the family of pink shades although we can find an orange component that gives a lot of strength and presence to this color. Salmon pink, like the whole range of pinks, is a color that is associated with sensitivity and sweetness, but in this particular case, we can see how it conveys a feeling of freshness and youth, thanks to its orange pigments. In addition to being the color of one of the most complete foods, Salmon Pink will give a lot of lift to any of your designs. If you are going to use Salmon Pink outside the context of Women's Day, we recommend that you pair it with its complementary Turquoise Blue or Aquamarine.

  • HEX rgb(255, 167, 193)
  • RGB rgb(255, 167, 193)
  • CMYK rgb(255, 167, 193)
  • HSL rgb(255, 167, 193)
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As beautiful and strong as the Carnation Rose

Few flowers are as beautiful as carnations and few colors give as much life as Carnation Pink. Carnation Pink is a slightly softer color than its previous palette partners on Women's day. Compared to Salmon Pink, we can see how it trades orange touches for a higher percentage of white and softens any design in which we use it. Pink, as we told you before, reminds us of sensitivity, but also of femininity in color psychology, that's why it is one of those mandatory colors in the chromatic palette of Women's day. It is a very versatile color with which you can create great palettes of soft shades.

  • HEX rgb(255, 187, 208)
  • RGB rgb(255, 187, 208)
  • CMYK rgb(255, 187, 208)
  • HSL rgb(255, 187, 208)
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Delicious like the Cotton Candy

Don't you just love cotton candy? And it doesn't matter if we're talking about the Cotton Candy you buy at fairs or the great color of this Women's Day palette. As you can see, Cotton Candy is the softest variant of pink you'll see in this Woman's Day palette, and the sweetest. This color contains a combination of red, green and blue, so it's a bit more muted than Carnation Pink and Salmon Pink, but it also contrasts with the darker shades for this day, Maximum Blue Purple and Cosmic Cobalt. If you're looking for a soft color that will add a delicious touch to your designs, Cotton Candy is definitely the perfect color for the task. It is ideal for pairing with other pastel shades.


Why is International Women’s Day celebrated? - The fight still lives on today!

Why is International Women’s Day celebrated on March 8? The need to commemorate it arose in the nineteenth century, after the Industrial Revolution when the mode of production at work and the economy changed radically. These new times brought new ideas, and women began demanding their rights, such as the right to vote. First, marches and strikes took place, and many women began to unite in unions for their labor rights. A flame was lit and is more alive than ever. If you want to look deeper into this important day and discover some relevant historical facts, just keep reading and help spread the word.

March 8, 1908

The march of 8 March 1908, in New York City

A starting point – up to 15,000 women marched through the streets to claim equal work rights

The women’s revolution began in the second half of the nineteenth century. On March 8, 1857, many women working in the textile industry – commonly known as garment workers – organized the first strike, asking for humane work conditions, as they usually worked up to twelve hours a day. Two years after this fact, in 1859, the protesters formed their first union, and the fight became unstoppable. More than fifty years later, 15,000 women reunited and marched again in the fight for fairer salaries, the end of child labor, and the right to vote. They went under the “Bread and Roses” claim, which symbolized an improved quality of life in every aspect.

March 8, 1909

National Woman’s Day is declared

The struggle consolidates and has an official day

On May 3, 1908, an event known as Women’s Day was organized at the Garrick Theater in Chicago. It was presided over by socialist women dedicated to condemning the oppression of women and the fight for their rights. Here comes into play the initiative of the Committee of the Socialist Party of America: they suggested holding events in support of women’s rights on the last Sunday of every March. Today, we know this celebration as International Women’s Day, but it was first called National Women's Day. The first commemoration finally took place on February 18, 1909. Later that year, in November, a new strike organized by the New York shirtmakers occurred, and it was known as the Uprising of the 20,000.

March 19, 1911

The first International Women’s Day is celebrated

Many European countries and the United States commemorate Women's Day for the first time ever

1911 was such an important year for women’s rights, but a year prior, in 1910, Denmark set a precedent. This European country proposed, for the first time, International Women’s Day. A conference was held between diverse nations – more specifically, more than 17 countries attended! March 19, 1911, will be forever remembered as the first International Women’s Day. But also during this year, a terrible tragedy happened: up to 100 female workers of the textile industry, most of them immigrants, lost their lives in a fire in the Triangle Shirtwaist factory, as they were locked inside without any chances to escape. This tragic fact was a before and after in the fight and led to enormous consequences in the labor legislation in the United States.

1922 to 1975

Women’s Day consolidates

After many crucial milestones, this important day began to be recognized around the world

Let’s travel back to 1917, specifically to the Russian Revolution. They achieved an important landmark: the right to vote for every woman and legalized divorce. March 8 was now recognized as Women’s Day in the Soviet Union, and many other countries followed its path. In China, for example, it was first celebrated in 1922, and in Spain, a few years later, in 1936, we can highlight the figure of Dolores Ibárruri. In 1975, the United Nations entered the game and celebrated the International Women’s Day. Two years later, during a General Assembly, diverse states agreed to set an official day to commemorate this fight. That’s how March 8 was established as the United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace.


Discover what countries celebrate International Women’s Day

As the Women’s Day celebration consolidated, more and more places have joined it. This day is still relevant, as there are many rights still to be conquered. There are many particularities and traditions, so if you want to find out how Women’s Day is held, just check out this section and share the knowledge with everyone!


It’s been such a hard fight for women’s rights in this Asian country. Before discovering how they commemorate this day in China, let’s have a look back at the role of women throughout its history. In ancient China, women had a lower social status. Female infanticide, concubinage, and forced marriage were common practices. They barely had any say or rights and were usually sold and mistreated. During the 1950s, significant advances in women’s rights were accomplished thanks to the New Marriage Law, which banned many of these practices. However, with the establishment of the Democratic Republic of China, the one-child policy was introduced, generating sexist attitudes and huge gender imbalances. Even so, girls born under this policy had access to better education since more economic resources could be destined for them. These days, both men and women have the same rights. On Women’s Day it’s usual to show gratitude to female workers by giving them half the day off or just giving small gifts.


Let’s see the traditions of Festa della Donna! March 8 is celebrated in this beautiful Mediterranean country with a curious particularity: to give every working woman a bouquet of mimosas. But where does this tradition come from? Let’s travel back in time to the mid-twentieth century, specifically to 1946. The tragic and cruel Second World War had recently finished, and that’s when three Italian women – Rita Montagnana, Teresa Mattei, and Teresa Noce - decided to, in some way, personalize International Women’s Day. On March 8, they marched through the streets, giving a bouquet of mimosas to every working woman. There’s no specific reason to choose this flower as a symbol: it’s just because it’s the most common during that time of the year! Today, besides this tradition, women usually go out for dinner with their friends.

United States

Women’s History Month is here to stay. In this country, there has been such a huge effort to recognize the role and evolution of women’s struggles, and that’s why they celebrate Women’s History Month each March. But how did this emerge? Its history is recent – we have to travel back to the Second World War when female workers in factories inspired one of the best well-known symbols of their empowerment: the iconic poster of Rosie the Riveter, created by J. Howard Miller. A few years later, in 1978, in the State of California, the local activities and initiatives made during Women’s History Week had a huge impact on the population. In 1980, this celebration gained more support, and the National Women’s History Week became official. A few years later, 14 states had already declared March as Women’s History Month, and in 1987, Congress declared it as such permanently.


The marches fill the main streets during this day. The fight for Spanish women’s rights reached a high point during the 1930s. In these years, the Spanish Courts approved the national Constitution of 1931, which resulted in significant achievements, such as granting the right to vote to all women. This was possible thanks to Deputy Clara Campoamor, a politician and lawyer who fought really hard for women’s rights. But it wasn’t until 1978 that the first march arrived in Madrid, organized by different feminist platforms. This was a new era for the country, with the end of the dictatorship and the entry of democracy. Today, these marches, along with conferences and events, are still very present every year, with the aim of raising awareness and continuing the fight that still lies ahead around the world.

United Kingdom

An arduous fight for women's rights. The pioneers in the struggle for women’s rights in the United Kingdom were Mary Smith, who asked for the right to vote in 1832, and John Stuart Mill in 1868, who advocated for these rights in Parliament but failed to achieve success. In the twentieth century, Emmeline Pankhurst founded the Women’s Social and Police Party in 1903. They were called suffragettes, and they used brutal tactics to achieve their goals. At the same time, we can find suffragists like Millicent Fawcett, who advocated peacefully. A great victory came in 1928 when the Parliament gave women equal rights and the right to vote. But the struggle continues today: the wage gap and other inequalities remain, which is why marches are still a regular event each year.


Green handkerchiefs are a symbol of revolution. March 8 is the date when we honor every woman and remember all the historical triumphs and their painful losses. In Chile and throughout Latin America, that revolutionary spirit is more alive than ever. On this day, there’s no room for flowers or gifts: it’s the time when women take the streets to protest and denounce the injustice, misogyny, and gender inequality that still remains in society today. On this day, the marches happen throughout the whole country, especially in the capital, Santiago de Chile. They wear a true symbol of their fight, green handkerchiefs, in support of their sexual and reproductive health rights. The battle for abortion rights has been the center of lots of marches in the last few years, under the name of Marea Verde, turning into one of the most organized and loudest movements. It gained momentum when Argentina legalized abortion in January 2021.


A review of the history of this celebration. In 1965, Women’s Day was established as a non-working day in what was then the Union of Socialist Republics (USSR). In its early beginnings, this festivity had a strong feminist component, intending to achieve equal rights for both genders. The USSR was, indeed, a true pioneer in this fight. While there was still strict control over society, especially on women, in 1963, Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman to ever travel to space. Nowadays, the reality is different. Women’s Day in Russia has become a familiar festivity, unlike in other regions, which we will see later. Now, it’s usual to give gifts to women, especially flowers, practically eliminating the vindictive character with which this day was born in the country.